Ed Shone https://www.scienceforsport.com/author/ed-shone/ The #1 Sports Science Resource Wed, 03 Jul 2024 21:44:14 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://www.scienceforsport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cropped-logo-updated-favicon-2-jpg-32x32.webp Ed Shone https://www.scienceforsport.com/author/ed-shone/ 32 32 German Volume Training https://www.scienceforsport.com/german-volume-training/ Tue, 16 Jul 2024 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.scienceforsport.com/?p=28719 GVT is centred on muscle hypertrophy through high volumes and aims to apply greater metabolic stress on a muscle.

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  1. Introduction
  2. What does German Volume Training do?
  3. Does German Volume Training Work?
  4. Who should/ should not do German Volume Training?
  5. How to programme German Volume Training?
  6. Example GVT Program
  7. Conclusion
  8. References


Sometimes referred to as the “10 sets method”, German Volume Training (GVT) is purported to have originated in Germany in the 1970s, as an amalgamation of German training approaches, with Rolf Feser as a common name in the early days (9).

Slightly more recently, famed strength coach Charles Poliquin did much for bringing GVT into the mainstream eye, taking its principles and developing them further during the 1990s (9).  Poliquin’s position in the US also helped bring GVT to greater attention (9).

GVT at its heart is incredibly simple; 10 sets of 10 repetitions at around 60 % of one repetition maximum (1RM) for the main lift, accompanied by accessory lifts at various sets and reps (10).  Most training programs involving GVT limit the amount of exercises performed to around 4-5 total exercises per day.

What does GVT do? 

GVT is centred on muscle hypertrophy through high volumes and aims to apply greater metabolic stress on a muscle, thought to be an important factor in promoting muscle hypertrophy (7). Rather than focusing on the amount of weight lifted, GVT is more attuned to time under tension (TuT); the amount of time a muscle spends under load during reps and sets (12). The rationale for GVT is to totally deplete the muscle fibres in one key multi-joint exercise, rather than spreading or dispersing the fatiguing effects of exercise across different fibres as you might with different exercises (10).

Does German Volume Training Work?

One of the most critical variables in influencing the development of strength and hypertrophy is volume (8). High-volume resistance training is associated with greater increases in muscle size (2); Krieger (2010) placed importance on volume load specifically on muscle growth (3).  However, studies suggest that performing sets of greater than 5 does not promote greater hypertrophy and strength (1), with gains plateauing beyond 4-6 sets (4).  Similar results were demonstrated with a modified GVT program compared to training with 5 sets (11).

Conversely, Marshall et al. (13) suggest that muscular strength was only significantly greater following a program of 8 sets of 80 % 1RM squats when compared to 1 and 4 sets and Schoenfeld et al. (14) put forward that minimum intensity of > 65 % 1RM is required to optimize gains in hypertrophy and strength. Although GVT may elicit increases in muscle cross-sectional area when compared to other high-volume methods there were no differences between approaches (5). 

Finally, in well-resistance-trained men, resistance systems (of which GVT can be classified as such) have been touted by powerlifters, bodybuilders and coaches to optimise or maximise strength and mass (6). However, the evidence examined does not determine if systems such as GVT are any more effective than what would be termed “traditional” resistance training.

Who should/ should not do GVT?

Given its simplicity, GVT can be used by anyone, although its application may not be beneficial to all groups.  GVT plans, however they are designed, are aiming for hypertrophic development, to pack on muscle size and by virtue of this, muscle strength (7).  Bodybuilders and strongmen may look at GVT routines to switch up their training for a short period of time.

Depending on their goals, GVT may not appeal to the average lifter or to a beginner weightlifter as it may be too challenging or overbearing. There also may not be enough variation within the program to keep the general population interested.

How to programme GVT?

The optimal length of GVT is debated and needs tailoring to the individual rather than serving as a blanket approach. Within a training block however, an increase in intensity as part of the longer overall block should be considered; some suggest 3 workouts within 5 days, over 4-7 weeks before reassessing and either starting over or beginning a different approach (12). 

Table 1. GVT Example Program
Day 1 – Chest 

ExerciseSetsRepsRest (s)% 1RM
Bench Press10109060
Incline Bench Press4106070
Mid Cable Row4106070

Day 3 – Legs

ExerciseSetsRepsRest (s)% 1RM
Front Squat10109060
Reverse Lunge4106070

Day 5 – Shoulders

ExerciseSetsRepsRest (s)% 1RM
Military Press10109060
Face Pull4106070
Lateral Raise41060N/A
Days 2 and 4 are rest days.


Given the scientific evidence available, GVT is effective because it is a higher volume (either sets or reps or both) programme, rather than being a stand-out approach to training that provides vastly differing results.  It aligns with traditional training methods used to develop muscle size and strength and may be an interesting or engaging type of training for a range of lifters to try out every so often to mix up training and fend off monotony.

  1. Davies, T., Orr, R., Halaki, M. and Hackett, D. (2016). Effect of training leading to repetition failure on muscular strength; a systemic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 46(6); 487-502. [Link]
  2. Hackett, D. A., Amirthalingam, T., Mitchell, L., Mavros, Y., Wilson, G. C., and Halaki, M. (2018). Effects of a 12-Week modified German volume training program on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy—A pilot study. Sports, 6(1), 7. [Link]
  3. Krieger, J. W. (2009). Single versus Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise: a Meta-Regression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(6), 1890–1901. [Link]
  4. Demirtaş, B., Çetin, O., Çakır, E., and Beyleroğlu, M. (2022). The effect of three different sets method used in resistance training on hypertrophy and maximal strength changes. Physical Education of Students, 26(6), 270–279. [Link]
  5. Angleri, V., Ugrinowitsch, C., and Libardi, C. (2020). Are resistance training systems necessary to avoid a stagnation and maximize the gains muscle strength and hypertrophy? Science & Sports, 35(2), 65.e1-65.e16. [Link]
  6. Schoenfeld, B. J. (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2857–2872. [Link]
  7. Schoenfeld, B. J., Ogborn, D., and Krieger, J. W. (2016). Dose-response relationship between weekly resistance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(11), 1073–1082. [Link]
  8. Poliquin, C. (1989). Theory and methodology of strength training. Sports Coach, 22–27.
  9. Baker, D. (2009). German volume training: An alternative method of high volume-load training for stimulating muscle growth. NCSA’s Perform. Train. J., 8, 10–13.
  10. Amirthalingam, T., Mavros, Y., Wilson, G. C., Clarke, J. L., Mitchell, L., and Hackett, D. A. (2017). Effects of a Modified German Volume Training Program on Muscular Hypertrophy and Strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31(11), 3109–3119. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000001747
  11. Poliquin, C. (1997). The Poliquin principles: Successful methods for strength and mass development. Dayton Writers Group.
  12. Marshall, P.W.M., McEwen, M. and Robbins, D.W. (2011). Strength and neuromuscular adaptation following one, four, and eight sets of high-intensity resistance exercise in trained males. Eur J Appl Physiol, 111, 3007–3016.. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-011-1944-x
  13. Schoenfeld, B. J., Wilson, J. M., Lowery, R. P., and Krieger, J. W. (2016). Muscular adaptations in low- versus high-load resistance training: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, 16(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2014.989922

The post German Volume Training appeared first on Science for Sport.

Massage Guns https://www.scienceforsport.com/massage-guns/ Tue, 09 Jul 2024 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.scienceforsport.com/?p=28712 Massage guns are, like a number of health and exercise tools throughout the years, currently trending.  So, is it worth purchasing one?

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  1. Introduction
  2. What is a massage gun? 
  3. Do massage guns work? 
  4. Benefits of using a massage gun
  5. Side effects of using a massage gun
  6. Can you use it every day? 
  7. How to use a massage gun?
  8. Which massage gun to purchase?
  9. Conclusion


Vibration and pressure therapy has been used for health benefits for a considerable amount of time (1), in a variety of forms, with the idea of using a device to apply such targeted methods first came to prominence in the 1950s (2).  Since then, a greater variety of tools have been produced to apply a variety of pressure to musculature, notably the foam roller (3),  and with ever-increasing commonality, the massage gun.

What is a massage gun?

A massage gun is a handheld, portable device that resembles a power drill and comes with a range of attachments.  When applied (and through the attachments), the massage gun applies pressure to the target area, thought to promote blood flow, reduce myofascial restriction and tension, alleviate pain and break up trigger points (4).

Do massage guns work? 

baY-balance test calculatorResearch into the effects of massage guns typically centres around performance and recovery (5).  The use of massage guns did lead to an increase of range of motion (ROM) (6) and flexibility (7), however, they appear to be less effective when improving strength is the goal, with massage guns actually resulting in a decrease in jump height (8).  Massage guns appear ineffective in improving strength, balance, acceleration, agility, and explosive activities (5).

Vibration therapy as a whole-body tool does show promise for attenuating muscle soreness (13), although as the title suggests, this was based on whole-body massage rather than targeted to the level of a massage gun. However,  including massage guns as part of a structured warm-up was suggested to reduce perceived muscle soreness as well as increase range of motion, with no negative impact on muscle activation and force output (9).

Side effects of using a massage gun

Massage guns do not come without their potential side effects, typically as a result of overuse in terms of frequency or intensity. Indeed, one case study highlighted a case of rhabdomyolysis (the breakdown of muscle tissue, potentially releasing harmful chemicals into the bloodstream) following the use of massage guns (10), muscle oedema (12) and other potentially adverse effects from massage therapy in general (11). 

Can you use it every day?

Information on when to use a massage gun has not been widely investigated, but there may be different ideas based on the goal at that time (5).  For recovery, evidence points to greater than 2 minutes per muscle group at low frequencies, whilst for range of motion improvements, brief application at higher frequencies may be more beneficial and it is recommended to avoid massage gun therapy before strength activities due to potentially negative effects on performance (5).  

It may be tempting, especially if the massage gun delivers pain relief to an affected area, to rely on it or use it for longer than needed.  However, spending more time on an area may become detrimental and have negative effects, especially those greater than 30 minutes (5).

How to use a massage gun

It is suggested that a massage gun should be used with “gentle pressure, using the ball-tip attachment, moving dynamically” over affected areas (5), so essentially not pressing too hard, and constantly moving over areas where the user may feel tightness.  It’s important to let the massage gun do the work as opposed to pressing harder with the hope that “more is better” to avoid bruising and unnecessary tissue damage. Bony areas (knees, ankles, etc.) should be avoided, with a focus on the musculature around those joints, just like a massage professional or physical therapist would.

What is the best massage gun?

There are a huge number of different brands of massage gun.  Whilst they all perform the same basic role, there is a range of prices, number of accessories, speeds, battery life, and even decibel level.  Below are a selection of massage guns available on Amazon:

For the Pros

Theragun is perhaps the most well-known, with the elite model coming with 5 attachments, an LED screen and customisable speeds costing USD 399.  The Theragun has an impressive range of features and users can pair it with the accompanying application to get step-by-step routines for individual needs.

The weekend warrior

The Hyperice Hypervolt Go 2 offers 3 speeds, is lightweight and super quiet.  At USD 129.99 it offers significant performance and a 3-hour battery life, more than enough for numerous uses before recharging.   As the partner with a number of professional sports teams and leagues, the Hyperice certainly has pedigree and with the ability to purchase more massage heads, gives the ability to tailor the massage gun to what works best for the individual.

The occasional user

For those looking into massage guns for the first time, it may be prudent to look at a model such as the Arboleaf Massage Gun which offers 6-10 hours of battery life, 8 massage heads and 20 speed levels in addition to low noise for USD 64.99.  


Massage guns are, like a number of health and exercise tools throughout the years, currently trending.  So, is it worth purchasing one? As ever, it is case by case! Level of athletic performance, current injury status, training age, schedule, stage of season or goals may all have an impact on whether to purchase and ultimately use a massage gun.  Including one as a small part of an overall regimen, depending on outcome goals may prove useful.

  1. Cochrane, D. J. (2011). Good vibrations? – The use of vibration therapy for exercise recovery, injury prevention and rehabilitation. Physical Therapy Reviews, 16(6), 438–454. [Link]
  2. Comeaux, Z. (2011). Dynamic fascial release and the role of mechanical/vibrational assist devices in manual therapies. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 15(1), 35–41. [Link]
  3. Ferreira, R. M., Martins, P. N., & Goncalves, R. S. (2022). Effects of Self-myofascial Release Instruments on Performance and Recovery: An Umbrella Review. International journal of exercise science, 15(3), 861–883. [Link]
  4. Cheatham, S. W., Baker, R.T., Behm, D.G., Stull, K., & Kolber, M.J. (2021) Mechanical percussion devices: A survey of practice patterns among healthcare professionals. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 16(3), 766. [Link]
  5. Ferreira, R.M., Silva, R., Vigário, P., Martins, P.N., Casanova, F., Fernandes, R.J., & Sampaio, A.R. (2023). The Effects of Massage Guns on Performance and Recovery: A Systematic Review. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol, 8; p. 138. [Link]
  6. Hernandez, F.A., Crussemeyer, J., Nakajima, M., & Valenzuela, K. (2020). Effects of Percussion Therapy (Theragun™) on Range of Motion and Athletic Performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53(8S):p 152. [Link]
  7. Alvarado, F., Valenzuela, K. A., Finn, A., Avila, E. L., Crussemeyer, J. A., & Nakajima, M. (2022). The Biomechanical Effects of Percussive Therapy Treatment on Jump Performance. International journal of exercise science, 15(1), 994–1006. [Link]
  8. Szymczyk, P., Węgrzynowicz, K., Trybulski, R., Spieszny, M., Ewertowska, P., Wilk, M., & Krzysztofik, M. (2022). Acute Effects of Percussive Massage Treatment on Drop Jump Performance and Achilles Tendon Stiffness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22):15187. [Link]
  9. Martin, J. (2021). A critical evaluation of percussion massage gun devices as a rehabilitation tool focusing on lower limb mobility: A literature review. University of Winchester. [Link]
  10. Chen, J., Zhang, F., Chen, H., & Pan, H. (2020). Rhabdomyolysis after the use of percussion massage gun: a case report. Physical Therapy, 101(1). [Link]
  11. Posadzki, P., & Ernst, E. (2013). The safety of massage therapy: an update of a systematic review. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 18(1); p. 27-32. [Link]
  12. Roehmer, C., Khan, S., & Sherwood, D. (2022). Paracervical Muscle Edema after the use of High-Percussion Massage Gun. Neuromodulation, 25(4). [Link]
  13. Kosar, A. C., Candow, D. G., & Putland, J.- T. (2021). Potential Beneficial Effects of Whole-Body Vibration for Muscle Recovery After Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26(10); p. 2907-2911. [Link]

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