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  1. Introduction
  2. What is Muscle Memory?
  3. How does Muscle Memory Work?
  4. How do you develop Muscle Memory?
  5. How long does Muscle Memory last?
  6. How long does it take for Muscle Memory to come back?
  7. Can Muscle Memory be lost?
  8. How to improve Muscle Memory?
  9. How many repetitions does it take to develop Muscle Memory?
  10. Conclusion


Muscle memory is the result of a fascinating interplay between neurons, muscles, and practice—a phenomenon that transforms conscious effort into effortless mastery. It is intricately embedded in the complexities of the brain and body.  It acts as the architect enabling us to execute tasks with apparent innate precision. Think about the first time you struggled to tie your shoelaces or play a musical instrument; fast forward through practice, and those once-challenging motions become second nature. Muscle memory plays a role in these fascinating phenomena.  This article explores the marvels of muscle memory, from the firing of neurons to the reinforcement of neural pathways; join us on a journey into the depths of how the brain sculpts the blueprint for expertise through muscle memory.

What is Muscle Memory?

Muscle memory, despite its name, is not about muscle but is rather about the brain. When we learn a new skill or practice a particular movement, the brain creates neural pathways and connections that control the associated muscle groups [1, 4]. These connections become more efficient and well-coordinated through repetition, performance of the task with increased accuracy and ease [6].

Muscle memory is a complex process that involves both the brain and the body’s muscles and nervous system. It is a fascinating concept that has intrigued athletes, musicians, and professionals across various fields. It’s the reason behind the remarkable improvement in performance that comes with practice and repetition [2, 4]. This article delves into the science behind muscle memory, its practical applications, and how understanding this phenomenon can help athletes excel in their chosen pursuits [3].

How does Muscle Memory work? 

The process of muscle memory involves a series of complex neurological events within the brain, and it can be broken down into several stages. Here’s a detailed look at what happens inside the brain during the development and execution of muscle memory [3];

1. Learning Phase

Neural Pathway Formation: When a new skill or task is first learnt, the brain begins to create new neural pathways. These pathways connect regions involved in motor planning and execution. The primary motor cortex is a key player in initiating and controlling voluntary movements [5, 6].

Synaptic Changes: Learning involves strengthening the connections (synapses) between neurons. As movements are practiced, these synaptic connections become more efficient, allowing signals to travel more quickly and reliably along the neural pathways [5, 6].

2. Repetition and Practice

Myelination: With repeated practice, the neural pathways become more insulated with myelin, a fatty substance that speeds up the transmission of signals. Thicker myelin sheaths enhance the efficiency of communication between neurons, allowing for smoother and faster execution of movements [2, 5, 6].

Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum Involvement: The basal ganglia and cerebellum play significant roles during repetitive practice. The basal ganglia contribute to skill learning and the automation of movements, while the cerebellum refines and coordinates motor patterns, ensuring precision and timing [5, 6].

3. Automatisation

Transfer from Conscious to Automatic Processing: As the skill becomes more familiar, the process transitions from conscious, intentional control to more automatic and subconscious control. This shift involves changes in the involvement of different brain regions, with increased reliance on the basal ganglia and cerebellum for well-coordinated and efficient movements [1, 5, 6].

Reduction in Frontal Lobe Activity: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and conscious control, may become less active as the skill is automated. This allows the skill to be performed more effortlessly and with less conscious effort [4, 5, 6].

4. Feedback and Adjustment

Sensory Feedback: The brain continuously receives feedback from sensory systems, including proprioception (awareness of body position), vision, and touch, during the execution of the skill. This feedback helps the brain make real-time adjustments to improve accuracy and consistency [5, 6].

Hippocampal Involvement: The hippocampus, involved in memory and learning, may play a role in the consolidation of motor memories during this phase, contributing to the long-term retention of the skill [5, 6].

5. Retention and Recall

Long-Term Memory Storage: The well-established neural pathways and strengthened synaptic connections contribute to the long-term storage of the skill in memory [1, 5, 6].

Retrieval Process: When the skill is later  recalled and performed, the brain efficiently retrieves the stored motor patterns and executes the movement with a high degree of accuracy, often without the need for conscious thought [5, 6].

6. Challenges and Adaptation

Neuroplasticity and Adaptability: The brain’s plasticity allows it to adapt to changes. If there are errors or bad habits in the learned skill, the brain remains adaptable, and with conscious effort and retraining, it can modify the neural pathways to correct and optimise the movement [5, 6]. 

How do you develop Muscle Memory?

Muscle memory is a complex process involving neuromuscular adaptations, motor unit recruitment, synaptic plasticity, myelin formation, muscle fibre adaptations, and a cognitive component. Repeating specific movements optimises communication between the brain and muscles, establishing neural pathways [6, 7]. Motor unit recruitment enhances coordination, while synaptic plasticity strengthens connections between neurons. Myelin formation improves nerve signal transmission, and muscle fibre adaptations include structural and biochemical changes [12]. Cognitive processes, such as conscious practice and visualisation, contribute to muscle memory. Repetition and consistency are crucial for developing muscle memory, resulting in more efficient neural pathways and improved performance over time [8].

Figure 1. How a motor neuron works with a single muscle fibre; signals are created by the brain and travel via the central nervous system, and stimulus is detected by the nerve receptors in the skin. This signal is received by the dendrites and passed down the axon into the neuromuscular junction, which stimulates contraction in the muscle fibre. A motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates is called a ‘motor unit’.

How long does Muscle Memory last? 

Muscle memory, in the context of motor skills and physical activities, does not have a fixed duration. The term “muscle memory” is somewhat misleading because it’s not an actual memory stored in the muscles but rather a retention of motor patterns in the nervous system. The duration of muscle memory depends on various factors, including the complexity of the skill, the intensity and duration of previous training, and the individual’s overall health and fitness level [6].

Here are some key points to consider;

Retention Period – Basic motor patterns and simple skills may be retained for a shorter duration, while complex movements developed through extensive training may persist longer [6, 9].

Consistency of Practice – Regular practice reinforces and maintains muscle memory. If practice stops, associated muscle memory may gradually fade [6, 9].

Relearning Speed – Despite diminished muscle memory, relearning a skill is often faster than learning it from scratch due to the quicker reactivation of previous neural pathways [6, 9].

Skill Complexity – Intricate movements or precise coordination may require more consistent practice to maintain muscle memory [6, 9].

Individual Differences – Retention varies among individuals, influenced by factors like age, genetics, and overall health [6, 9].

Periodic reinforcement through practice is crucial for maintaining muscle memory. Neural pathways associated with skill may weaken over time without regular practice, but with renewed practice, these pathways can be reactivated, enabling faster relearning. Muscle memory’s duration is not uniform and depends on individual circumstances and the nature of the skill or activity [6, 8, 9].

How long does it take for Muscle Memory to come back?

The time it takes for muscle memory to “come back” can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the skill, the duration and intensity of previous training, and individual differences. Here are some general considerations [9, 11];

Previous Training Duration – If there was extensive training in a particular skill or activity, muscle memory for that skill may come back more quickly. The longer and more consistently a skill was  practiced in the past, the more ingrained the neural pathways associated with that skill [9, 10].

Skill Complexity – Simple motor skills may come back faster than complex movements. Basic movements that are part of daily activities or fundamental exercises might return relatively quickly, while more intricate skills may require more time and practice [9, 12].

Consistency of Practice – If  practice was consistent before taking a break, muscle memory is more likely to come back faster. Regular and repetitive practice helps reinforce neural pathways [9, 12].

Relearning Speed – Muscle memory often involves a faster relearning process compared to learning a skill for the first time. The neural pathways associated with the skill may still exist, making it easier for the body to reacquire movement [9, 12].

Individual Factors – Individual differences, such as age, genetics, and overall health, can influence the speed at which muscle memory returns. Younger individuals and those with a history of physical activity may find it easier to regain muscle memory [9, 12].

Mental Rehearsal and Visualisation – Engaging in mental rehearsal and visualisation of the skill can also contribute to the reactivation of muscle memory. While not a substitute for physical practice, mental practice can enhance the relearning process [9, 12].

It’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the time it takes for muscle memory to come back can vary from person to person and from skill to skill. Consistent and targeted practice is generally the key to reactivating muscle memory efficiently. Starting with gradual reintroduction and progressively increasing the complexity and intensity of practice can be a strategic approach to facilitate the return of muscle memory [9, 11, 12].

Can Muscle Memory be lost?

Muscle memory is influenced by the frequency and duration of practice, and its effectiveness diminishes over time without regular engagement [8, 9, 12]. If a skill is not practised, the neural connections associated with it may undergo decay, leading to a decline in muscle memory. Complex skills are more susceptible to loss than simple movements. Introducing new activities can potentially interfere with existing muscle memory [1, 10].

Age and individual differences also play a role in the retention of muscle memory. The positive aspect is that weakened muscle memory can often be reactivated or relearned more quickly than initial learning through consistent practice [9, 10]. To maintain muscle memory, regular engagement is crucial, as the capacity for relearning is often greater than the initial learning process. In essence, while muscle memory is not permanently lost, its strength and efficiency diminish without consistent practice, emphasising the importance of ongoing engagement to maintain and reinforce muscle memory [3, 12].

How to improve Muscle Memory?

Improving muscle memory involves consistent and targeted practice to strengthen neural pathways [1]. Key strategies include repetitive and consistent practice, progressively increasing skill complexity, focused and deliberate practice, mental rehearsal through visualisation, starting with slow and controlled movements, maintaining correct technique, seeking feedback for analysis and adjustments, introducing practice variability, allowing sufficient rest and recovery, ensuring long-term consistency, practising in real-life contexts for transferability, and using feedback tools like mirrors or video recordings for real-time corrections [12]. Patience and dedication are essential for the gradual process of building and maintaining muscle memory across various physical activities [5].

How many repetitions does it take to develop Muscle Memory? 

The number of repetitions needed for muscle memory varies based on factors like skill complexity, individual differences, and repetition quality [14]. Simple movements may require fewer repetitions, while precise and controlled practice enhances effectiveness [15]. Factors like genetics, age, and fitness level influence an individual’s ability to develop muscle memory. Consistent and frequent practice is crucial for solidifying neural pathways.

The initial learning phase may involve a steeper curve, and introducing practice variations contributes to comprehensive muscle memory development [5][14]. Gradually increasing intensity over time and considering skill transferability also impacts repetition needs. Overall, there’s no universal repetition count for muscle memory – instead, consistent, focused, and quality practice over time is key for optimal development [12, 13, 14].


In conclusion, muscle memory is a remarkable phenomenon rooted in the intricate interplay between the brain and body, enabling mastery of tasks through repetitive practice. It involves complex neurological events, from the formation of neural pathways during the learning phase to the automatisation of skills and eventual retention and recall. The duration of muscle memory varies based on factors like skill complexity, consistency of practice, and individual differences, with regular engagement being crucial for maintenance.

Reactivation of muscle memory after a break depends on factors like previous training duration, skill complexity, and mental rehearsal. While muscle memory can diminish without practice, it is not permanently lost, and relearning is often quicker than initial learning. Improving muscle memory involves strategic practices, such as repetition, progressive overload, focused practice, and feedback incorporation. The number of repetitions required for muscle memory development is influenced by factors like skill complexity, individual differences, and repetition quality, emphasising the importance of consistent and focused practice over time.

When embarking on a fitness journey or recovering from an injury, it’s essential to seek the expertise of a physiotherapy clinic for guidance and assistance in building muscle memory. These professionals are trained to assess your specific needs, create personalised exercise plans, and provide hands-on techniques to optimise your muscle function. Their guidance ensures that you engage in exercises tailored to your condition, promoting effective muscle memory development and reducing the risk of injury.

  1. Lee, H., Kim, K., Kim, B., Shin, J., Rajan, S., Wu, J., Chen, X., Brown, M. D., Lee, S., & Park, J. Y. (2018). ‘A cellular mechanism of muscle memory facilitates mitochondrial remodelling following resistance training’. The Journal of Physiology, 596(18); 4413–4426. [Link]
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  3. Morgan, M. B. (1951). ‘A schematic representation of extraocular muscle movement; a memory aid’. Harper Hospital bulletin, 9(5); 159–160. [Link]
  4. Rahmati, M., McCarthy, J. J., & Malakoutinia, F. (2022). ‘Myonuclear permanence in skeletal muscle memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human and animal studies’. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, 13(5); 2276–2297. [Link]
  5. Psilander, N., Eftestøl, E., Cumming, K. T., Juvkam, I., Ekblom, M. M., Sunding, K., Wernbom, M., Holmberg, H. C., Ekblom, B., Bruusgaard, J. C., Raastad, T., & Gundersen, K. (2019). ‘Effects of training, detraining, and retraining on strength, hypertrophy, and myonuclear number in human skeletal muscle’. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 126(6); 1636–1645. [Link]
  6. Murach, K. A., Mobley, C. B., Zdunek, C. J., Frick, K. K., Jones, S. R., McCarthy, J. J., Peterson, C. A., & Dungan, C. M. (2020). ‘Muscle memory: myonuclear accretion, maintenance, morphology, and miRNA levels with training and detraining in adult mice’. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, 11(6); 1705–1722. [Link]
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The post Muscle Memory appeared first on Science for Sport.

Blood Flow Restriction training Tue, 24 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Blood Flow Restriction training, although relatively new, has shown promising results in enhancing muscle growth and performance.

The post Blood Flow Restriction training appeared first on Science for Sport.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is Blood Flow Restriction Training?
  3. Does Blood Flow Restriction Training Really Work?
  4. How Does Blood Flow Restriction Training Work?
  5. How is Blood Flow Restriction Training Measured?
  6. What Does Blood Flow Restriction Training Do?
  7. How Do You Perform Blood Flow Restriction Training?
  8. Examples of Blood Flow Restriction Training
  9. Who Should Avoid Doing Blood Flow Restriction Training?
  10. What Are the Side Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?
  11. Conclusion


When it comes to fitness and strength training, there’s a constantly evolving landscape of techniques and methods to achieve your goals. One such innovation that has captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts and professionals alike is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training. This technique, although relatively new, has shown promising results in enhancing muscle growth and performance. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of blood flow restriction training and answer some key questions you might have.

What is Blood Flow Restriction training?

Blood Flow Restriction training, often referred to as BFR or occlusion training, is a resistance training technique that involves using specialised cuffs or wraps to partially restrict blood flow to the muscles being worked [1]. By doing so, BFR training allows individuals to achieve muscle-building benefits with lower weight loads compared to traditional high-intensity resistance training [1, 7]. 

Does Blood Flow Restriction training really work?

Research suggests that blood flow restriction training can indeed be effective in promoting muscle growth and strength gains [2]. While the debate on its superiority over traditional high-load training continues, numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of BFR training on muscle hypertrophy and strength improvement [2, 13, 16].

How does Blood Flow Restriction training work?

The benefits of BFR training lie in its ability to create metabolic stress and cellular swelling within the muscle [3, 5]. By applying controlled pressure to the limbs, BFR training limits the outflow of blood while maintaining inflow [2, 5]. This results in a pooling of blood within the muscle, triggering the release of growth factors and hormones that facilitate muscle growth and adaptation [3, 5, 9].

How is Blood Flow Restriction training measured?

The measurement of blood flow restriction during training involves determining the individual’s limb occlusion pressure (LOP) [4, 5]. Specialised devices can then be used to apply a percentage of this pressure to the limb [4]. This personalised approach ensures that the pressure is effective yet safe for each individual [5, 8].

Based on current evidence, Table 1 below shows safe and effective pressure and prescription guidelines for BFR training.

Table 1. Blow flow restriction occlusion pressure guidelines

ContextLimb occlusion pressure
BFR with resistance training– 40-80% limb occlusion pressure and 20-40% 1RM
– Exhale during exertion
BFR with aerobic training– 40-80% limb occlusion pressure.
– Exercise at <50% VO2max or 50% HRR (heart rate reserve)
BFR during bed rest for prevention of muscle atrophy– Limit BFR to 5-minute intervals with 3-5 min between sets.
– Up to 70-100% limb occlusion pressure is reported in the literature, however, the research on this type of training is still developing, and it is recommended that practitioners use a conservative approach and avoid full arterial occlusion.
Credit: AIS – Blood flow restriction training guidelines

What does Blood Flow Restriction training do?

BFR training serves as a catalyst for muscle growth by stimulating muscle fibres that might not be activated as effectively during traditional training [11]. The metabolic stress induced by BFR leads to an increase in hormones like growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), fostering muscle development [12]. Additionally, BFR training enhances endurance and cardiovascular fitness due to the elevated metabolic demands placed on the muscles [10]. 

How do you perform Blood Flow Restriction training?

To perform BFR training, you’ll need specialised cuffs designed for this purpose [15]. These cuffs are typically applied to the upper arms or legs [15]. Once in place, perform low-intensity resistance exercises with weights ranging from 20-30% of your one-repetition maximum [7, 15]. The cuffs should be tight enough to restrict blood flow but not to the point of causing discomfort or pain [15]. 

How often should you perform Blood Flow Restriction training?

For optimal results, incorporating BFR training a few times a week is recommended. Ensure that you allow at least one day of rest between sessions to allow your muscles to recover [12, 14]. The frequency and duration of BFR sessions can be tailored to your fitness level and goals [10, 13]. 

Examples of Blood Flow Restriction training

FR training can be applied to various exercises such as leg extensions, leg curls, bicep curls, and tricep extensions. These exercises, performed with the cuffs on, engage muscles effectively while using lighter weights [7]. For example: 

Squat with BFR

  • Apply BFR bands/cuffs to the upper thighs.
  • Perform squats with a reduced load.
  • BFR can create metabolic stress in the muscles, contributing to muscle growth.

Leg Press with BFR

  • Attach BFR bands/cuffs to the upper thighs.
  • Perform leg press exercises using a lighter load than usual.
  • The restricted blood flow can help promote muscle growth and strength even with the lighter weight.

Hamstring Curl with BFR

  • Attach BFR bands/cuffs to the upper thighs.
  • Use a hamstring curl machine with lower resistance.
  • BFR can help target the muscles effectively despite using lighter weights.

Calf Raise with BFR

  • Apply BFR bands/cuffs to the upper calves.
  • Perform calf raises using body weight or light weights.
  • BFR can create a potent muscle pump in the calves.

Push-Up with BFR

  • Place BFR bands/cuffs around the upper arms.
  • Perform push-ups with your hands on the ground.
  • The limited blood flow can make bodyweight exercises more challenging and effective.

Triceps Extension with BFR

  • Wrap BFR bands/cuffs around the upper arms.
  • Perform triceps extensions using a light dumbbell or cable machine.
  • BFR can enhance muscle activation during exercise.

Bicep Curl with BFR

  • Wrap BFR bands/cuffs around the upper arms.
  • Perform bicep curls using a light dumbbell or resistance band.
  • The restricted blood flow can lead to increased muscle pump and activation.

Note: Before attempting BFR training, it’s important to consult a qualified fitness professional or healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe for your individual situation.

Remember that BFR training should be performed with proper guidance and using appropriate equipment to ensure safety [4]. The level of restriction, duration, and intensity should be determined based on individual fitness levels and goals. If you’re new to BFR training, consider working with a certified fitness professional who has experience with this technique [4, 6].

Who should avoid doing Blood Flow Restriction training?

While BFR training is generally safe, individuals with medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, nerve impairments, a history of blood clots, or pregnancy should avoid this training method [3, 4]. Consultation with a qualified fitness professional is advisable before attempting BFR training [14, 16]. 

What are the side effects of Blood Flow Restriction training?

When done correctly, BFR training is safe, but improper cuff application or excessive pressure can lead to discomfort, numbness, tingling, or nerve damage [8]. Ensuring proper form and pressure is essential to avoid these potential side effects [10, 16]. 


To wrap up, BFR training offers an intriguing avenue for individuals aiming to enhance muscle gains and elevate performance through an innovative method. While not universally applicable, when executed correctly, BFR training may serve as a valuable complement to your fitness routine. It’s advisable to seek guidance from physiotherapy clinic professionals before modifying your training approach.  

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The post Blood Flow Restriction training appeared first on Science for Sport.
