

The study of how coaches interact with their athletes and use technology and data to analyse performance is known as coaching science. This field of study tries to understand what makes athletes ‘tick’ and how coaches can use psychology and technology in order to improve their performance.

As the world of coaching is very complex, our aim is to simplify that science so that coaches, athletes, and everybody else can understand how to use coaching, psychology, and data in order to improve sports performance.

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Skill Acquisition

Dr. Harjiv Singh

Skill acquisition is the foundation of sports science that all practitioners, coaches, and clinicians should understand.

Needs Analysis

Owen Walker

A needs analysis is the process of determining what qualities are necessary for the athlete, the sport, or a combination of both.


Mario Chavez

Bio-banding is the process of grouping athletes based on attributes associated with growth and maturation, rather than chronological age.

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skill acquisition

Skill Acquisition

Dr. Harjiv Singh

Skill acquisition is the foundation of sports science that all practitioners, coaches, and clinicians should understand.

Bio banding


Mario Chavez

Bio-banding is the process of grouping athletes based on attributes associated with growth and maturation, rather than chronological age.

Relative age effect

Relative Age Effect

Tom Green

The relative age effect is when children born in, or close to, a critical age cut-off period may have a sporting and academic advantage.

Coaching Cues

Brett Bartholomew

Every coach uses coaching cues, and different cues can have a big impact, but very few coaches give them a second thought.

Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis

Owen Walker

A needs analysis is the process of determining what qualities are necessary for the athlete, the sport, or a combination of both.

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